People pay a price for how they look

“Image is powerful but also, image is superficial. There’s very little that we can do to transform how we look, and how we look, though it is superficial and immutable, has a huge impact on our lives”, said Cameron Russell, American model.

People have asked her several questions about her life. One of them was, how did she become a model? She answered, I always just say “Oh, I was scouted” but that means nothing.

The real way that she became a model is she won a genetic lottery, and she is the recipient of a legacy. For the past few centuries people have defined beauty not just as health and youth and symmetry that they are biologically programmed to admire, but also as tall, slender figures, and femininity and white skin.

Another question that was asked was, “Can I be a model when I grow up?”. She replied that why modelling when they can be anything, they could be the President of the US or the inventor of the next internet. If after this amazing list they still want to be a model they she says, “be my boss”.

Another question was, “Do you get free stuff?”. She said she does have too many 8 inches heels which she never gets to wear. The free stuff she gets is the free stuff in real life and that’s what people don’t like to talk about. She grew up in Cambridge, and one time she went into a store and forgot her money and they gave her the dress for free. When she was a teenager, she was driving with her friend and her friend ran a red and all it took was a “Sorry officer”, and they were on their way.

She got these free things because of how she looks, not who she is and there are people paying a large sum for how they look and not who they are!

Note: This blogpost is based on a Ted talk delivered by Cameron Rusell. You can access the full talk at: