How to get what you want

The first step you can take is to stop saying that you’re fine. “The issue with fine is that you say it to yourself. The thing that you want, you convinced yourself you’re fine not having it. And that’s why you’re not pushing yourself,” says Mel Robbins, American Television host in a Ted Talk.

She says you will have to force yourself to get up and work towards what you want. If you want to do something, in today’s world you can find hundreds of books and thousands of blogs on the internet to tell you how to do it step by step. All you need to do is push yourself to follow it.

Why do people get stuck in life?

According to Robbins, it’s the routine that’s killing you. It is because one of your basic needs are not being met, your need for exploration. Like everything in your body grows and regenerates, your soul needs exploration to grow. “And the only way you’ll get it is by forcing yourself to get outside, out of your head and past your feelings,” says Robbins.

Your feelings are screwing you. If you want something and you wait to feel like doing it, you’ll never do it. Because you’re never going to feel like it. You will have to get outside of your comfort zone.

She explains whatever you want to do, you get an impulse. If you don’t act upon it in 5 seconds, you will kill the idea. You are 1 in a 400 trillion. Your ideas can change the world. But only if you force yourself to start acting on them in 5 seconds. So, start right now. Try waking up in the morning as soon as your alarm goes off. It will feel uncomfortable for a moment but you will feel the change. And Don’t snooze your ideas.

Note: The web report is based on a Ted Talk delivered by Mel Robbins in 2011. You can access the full talk at: