Innovation vital in science, says IIST chancellor

Innovation vital in science, says IIST chancellor

By Devyani Verma

A particular mindset is required for true success in the field of science, according to Dr B.N. Suresh, Chancellor of Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) and Distinguished Professor ISRO HQ.

Delivering the first talk in the Distinguished Lecture Series at Bennett University on Thursday, March 7, Suresh said that the mind that sets the agenda for the future must also be innovative. “Innovative thinking is what is required,” the professor said during the talk that was also the second Raman Lecture to mark National Science Day.

The Vice Chancellor of Bennett University, Dr. Raghunath K. Shevgaonkar, also addressed the students on the occasion.
Suresh said that Sir C.V. Raman’s towards science was one of digging deeper into the ‘how’ and ‘why’, which was essential to be a scientist.

“We celebrate National Science Day in honour of Sir C.V. Raman, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930,” said Suresh, as he mentioned the reward-worthy studies and experiments performed by Raman, such as his finding on the blue colour of the Mediterranean.

Engineering and technology – both of which are streams of Science – are interwoven, Suresh said and added in the same breath that there is fine line between these fields. He said science was responsible for the changes in today’s world; be it agricultural, industrial or pertaining to information and knowledge.

Suresh told the students to introspect on “what is it that you can do for society”. He quoted Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as having said that challenges must be taken as opportunities.

Suresh urged everyone to work towards innovation and technology, living up to the goals and standards set by the top scientific institutes in India.

The aerospace scientist said that young Indian minds still had a lot to accomplish. “The 21st century should belong to India!”