Feminist issues grassroots of the society

Feminist issues grassroots of the society
By Sai Adarsh Krishna

Why is feminism important to men?

Feminism as a concept has not penetrated the grassroots of the society. In today’s class we were made to watch a stand-up regarding gender equality. The stand-up had two parts to it- the first one revolved around race, ethnicity and inter-sectionalism and, the second part revolved around the interlinked concepts of feminism and sexism. Whilst these narratives were educational and factual, we as Indians cannot entirely relate to it. So, I’ll answer this question as an Indian male citizen who endorses the concept of feminism with an example.

My opinion on Inter-sectionalism, race and ‘Colour Purple

Having read and researched a lot about importance of feminist perspective in the Indian diaspora, I firmly believe the concepts of inter-sectionalism among women. based on race and ethnicity do not exist in the Indian society. This concept is strictly western and is portrayed very well in the 1985 Oscar-nominated film ‘The Colour Purple’. However, Indians have their own problems of casteism and reservation and, it is best we do not interlink the two.

Why Men have misunderstood the concept of feminism?

I do agree with what was discussed by our teacher in class. Feminism is also about men. This is also the basis for my answer to the question. The problem of feminism lies at the grassroots of the society. It is not about women being treated fairly. It was never about parity of gender-based treatment, the media has blindfolded both, men and women after the #MeToo movement. It is about their right to be heard and stend in contention for availing equal opportunity. It is also about being held high in esteem and be acknowledged for their independent livelihood.

Why Feminism needs to be addressed at the grassroot level?

For example, our opinion on feminism is largely manipulated by the AIB controversy, BOLLYWOOD and what the media made out of #MeToo. But the problem is something completely different and more rooted to our patriarchal traditions. I have a sister and I’m the first child in the family. Similarly, many of my classmates have younger or older sisters. There are more expectations from the male child as he is supposed to further ancestral traditions and make a living for himself. The women’s ambitions and desires are curtailed because, at the end of the day she is going to get married. This is the Indian Mindset which also needs to be discussed in a feminism related conversation. These rights are curtailed by a patriarchal society which is dominated by males from our previous generations. This is how they look at Indian Women. The Society prioritizes marriage for a woman and neglects varies aspirations which a woman may have. It is a grassroot problem. This is only an example.

Finally, Feminism is important to men because the onus is on us to change these traditions when we have a family of our own. Educating male youth diaspora would change the way our sons would look at women. This is what feminism should do to men in an idealistic scenario.