To reduce gender crimes, we need feminism

To reduce gender crimes, we need feminism
By Soumya Kumari

Gender equality, a constant term used to stress on the fact that a male-dominated society is not the way forward. Ensuring equal rights, opportunities and accepting every gender, be it a woman, trans or other diverse people who do not like to be ‘categorized’ is a much-needed attempt on the road to recovery. As Michael Kimmel said, making gender visible to men is the first step to engaging them in the long-fought battle.

Treating every gender as an equal will lead to a safe and healthy society. On the economic front, the complete potential of women will be utilized to increase output. Gender-based crimes such as rape, acid attacks and assault can be prevented. Workplaces, schools and communities will work towards building a safe and fair environment. Women will be rewarded with equal pay just like their male-counter parts.