Sun, Nov 10, 2024 | Updated 2:08PM IST

Feminism isn’t a man vs woman debate

Times of Bennett | Updated: Nov 22, 2021 13:44
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By Aditi Das
Feminism is a concept that is often misconceived by not just men but also women. More often people think of it as agenda for a man versus woman debate. There lies the challenge. Feminism has the power to liberate men from the social standards set for their actions and behavior. Entrusting women with equal responsibilities can reduce the burden off both their shoulders.

Feminism can be liberating for men from all the social expectations attached to their gender. It has the power to make a universal right and not prevent men from emoting. Feminism is the catalyst of all social reforms of equality, freedom, and solidarity. Reforms that are equally liberating for men and women.