Welcome to feminism: A place for everyone
Times of Bennett | Updated: Nov 17, 2021 14:30
By Shreya Negi
Feminism is the notion that states both genders, men and women, should have equal rights and opportunities and should not be subjected to any kind of bias. We live in a society where men and women are far from equal, and this harms both men and women. The Feministic Movement succinctly aims at giving equal rights to women and not to overpower them in any manner. For decades, women have been facing the brunt of the society, be it Sati Pratha , Female Foeticide , Dowry System , or Unequal pay at work . Men and women have never been valued on the same scale. But this doesn’t mean that men cannot be feminists. Since childhood, boys are taught that they should not weep, be timid or weak, or show vulnerability in public. Men are meant to be “rational” and forceful, while women are supposed to be sensitive and nurturing. These rigid gender standards harm both men and women, and that makes people really fall on a continuum. As a result, feminism is equally important to men and women both.